Plieningen postcard writing

This is a 1904 postcard from Rosa Maier of Plieningen by Stuttgart sent to Uncle Gottlob Maier in Cincinnati. Plieningen was Gottlob Maier’s native city.

"L. (= Lieber) Onkel, Für Deinen lieben langersehnten Brief herzlichen Dank. Es freut uns alle dass es Dir und den lieben Deinigen gut geht. Uns geht es soweit auch gut. Von uns allen die besten Grüsse. Besonders grüsst Dich herzlich Deine Nichte Rosa Maier."

Translation offered by Martin Koepple: Dear uncle. Many thanks for your kind and longed-for letter. We are happy that you and yours are well. We also are well. Best greetings from us all and especially from you niece Rosa Maier.

I would love to hear from any Maier relations from Plieningen.